Volume 34, Summer 2001

Paul FlatauRobert Leeson, Ray Petridis, HETSA and the Revival of the History of Economic Thought PDF   160kb
Tony Aspromourgos, Is Labour Cheapening a Means to Reducing Involuntary (Labour) Unemployment? PDF   195kb
A.W. Coats, The Role of Economists in Government and International Agencies: A Fresh Look at the Field PDF   188kb
Paul Flatau, The Methodology of Early Neoclassical Distribution Theory: Universalism, the Deductive Method and Ethics -
Craufurd D. Goodwin, The Value of Things in the Imaginative Life: Microeconomics in the Bloomsbury Group PDF   206kb
Peter Groenewegen, Thomas Carlyle, the Dismal Science and the Contemporary Political Economy of Slavery PDF   237kb
Geoff Harcourt, Forty Years Teaching Post Keynesian Themes in Adelaide and Cambridge PDF   207kb
M.C. HowardJ.E. King, ‘State Capitalism’ in the Soviet Union PDF   208kb
Rob Knowles, Carlyle, Ruskin and Morris: Work across the ‘River of Fire’ PDF   218kb
Robert Leeson, Internalising the Externalities of Homoeconomicus: Turning Silicon Astronomers Into Popperian Bookmakers PDF   217kb
John Lodewijks, Training Professional Economists: The Australian Experience PDF   150kb
John Pullen, Keynes’s Criticisms of Malthus and Malthus’s ‘Reply’: the concept of Effective Supply PDF   181kb
Michael Schneider, Sismondi’s Macroeconomic Model: An Annotated Translation PDF   210kb