Volume 36, Summer 2002

Therese Burton, Brian Dollery, Joe Wallis, A Note on the Debate over ‘Economic Rationalism’ in Australia: An Application of Albert Hirschman’s Rhetoric of Reaction PDF   154kb
Peter H. Clarke, Unity in the Influences on Adam Smith PDF   194kb
Brian Dollery, A Century of Vertical Fiscal Imbalance in Australian Federalism PDF   215kb
Paul Flatau, Hicks’s The Theory Of Wages: Its Place in the History of Neoclassical Distribution Theory PDF   242kb
Peter Groenewegen, R.C. Mills (1886-1952) and Australian Fiscal Federalism, with Special Reference to the Methodology of the Grants Commission PDF   159kb
Geoff Harcourt, Keith Frearson On Roy Harrod, As Told To Geoff Harcourt PDF   189kb
Michael Perelman, The Comparative Sociology of Environmental Economics in the Works of Henry Carey and Karl Marx PDF   248kb
Sean Turnell, Australia’s ‘Employment Approach’ to International Postwar Reconstruction: Calling the Bluff of Multilateralism PDF   192kb
Brian Dollery, A Conversation with Peter Groenewegen PDF   292kb
Paul Oslington, Teaching Economics Historically PDF   146kb
Michael Schneider, One Hundred Years From Today PDF   127kb
Selwyn Cornish, Heinz Wolfgang Arndt (1915 – 2002) PDF   131kb
Alex Millmow, Sir Leslie Galfreid Melville (1902 - 2002) PDF   114kb
Alex Millmow, W. Brian Reddaway (1913 - 2002) PDF   115kb
Review Articles
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