Volume 43, Winter 2006

V.S. Afanasyev, An Austrian Paradox: The Contribution of the Austrian School to the Development of Marx’s Labour Theory of Value PDF   99kb
Tony Aspromourgos, Value and Labour PDF   86kb
William Dixon, David Wilson, Political Economy and the Historians: E.P. Thompson and the Moral Depletion Hypothesis PDF   106kb
G.C. Harcourt, Australians in Cambridge in the 1950s: a Comment on William Coleman’s Conversation with Murray Kemp PDF   29kb
Jack King, Herbert Heaton: A Scholar ‘Exiled’ from Australia PDF   96kb
Michael McLure, Pareto on the History of Economic Thought as an Aspect of Experimental Economics PDF   95kb
Alexander Tobon, On Prices in Myrdal’s Monetary Theory PDF   133kb
Michael V. White, Cultivated Circles of The Empire: Bibliographical Notes on W.S. Jevons’s Antipodean Interlude (1854 -1859) PDF   123kb