Volume 45, Winter 2007

Philip Anthony O`Hara, Allen Oakley’s Contribution to History of Political Economy: Capitalism, Agency-Structure and Realism PDF   115kb
Richard D. Wolff, The New Reading of Karl Marx’s Capital in the United States PDF   96kb
Jerry Courvisanos, The Ontology of Innovation: Human Agency in the Pursuit of Novelty PDF   123kb
Michael Schneider, The Nature, History and Significance of the Concept of Positional Goods PDF   187kb
Allen Oakley, What is Capital? PDF   94kb
G.C. Harcourt, The Structure of Post-Keynesian Economics: The Core Contributions of the Pioneers PDF   80kb
J.E. King, RQF and HET: Assassin and Corpse? PDF   51kb
Peter Groenewegen, Professor A. W. (Bob) Coats: 1924–2007 PDF   25kb
Review Articles
James F. Alvey, Willie Henderson. Evaluating Adam Smith. Albingdon, U.K: Routledge. 2006. Pp. xvii + 164. ISBN 0-415-33668-6. £70.