Volume 35, Winter 2002

Craufurd D. Goodwin, Economic Enquiry in Australia: Reflections After 41 Years -
Moira Gordon, Barry Gordon’s Research, Influences and Contacts PDF   158kb
Sarah Drakopoulou Dodd, George Gotsis, Economic Ideas in the Pauline Epistles of the New Testament PDF   244kb
John Laurent, St Augustine on Economic Man -
Frederic S. Lee, Mutual Aid and the Making of Heterodox Economics in Postwar America: A Post Keynesian View PDF   213kb
G.C.G. Moore, Selling Plutology: Correspondence Relating to the Failure of Australia’s First Economics Text PDF   187kb
Philip Anthony O`Hara, The Contemporary Relevance of Thorstein Veblen’s Institutional-Evolutionary Political Economy PDF   257kb
Andrew B. Trigg, Surplus Value and the Kalecki Principle in Marx’s Reproduction Schema PDF   184kb
John C. Wood, A Defence of Commercial Publishers PDF   131kb
Tony Aspromourgos, Commercial Publishers, Again PDF   112kb
Review Articles
Craig Freedman, Court Jesters, House Gadflies and Economic Critics PDF   218kb