History of Economics Review - Electronic Archive : 1982-1999 volumes

(These are scans of paper copies.  Average file size is ~200kB, although largest file is 2MB).

Volume 30, Summer 1999    
John Creedy D.P. O'Brien and the History of Economic Analysis PDF
Allen Oakley Economics and the Origin of Popper's Situational Analysis PDF
Imad A. Moosa Misinterpreting Gustav Cassel: Origins and Implications for the Contemporary Literature PDF
Michael McLure Pareto on the Cause of Value: Maurice Dobb's Partial Assessment PDF
Stavros A. Drakopoulos,
Anastassios D. Karayannis
Mainstream Consumer Theory: Delay, Acceptance and History of Economic Though Texts PDF
Peter Groenewegen Reflections on the Centenary of John Bates Clark - 'The Distribution of Wealth' (1899) PDF
Nicholas Brown 'It's a Case of Using Any Stick to Beat a Dog': R.I. Downing, the Keynesian Revolution and Reconstruction PDF
Tim Rowse Coombs the Keynesian PDF
Selwyn Cornish Sir Leslie Melville: Keynesian or Pragmatist? PDF
Heinz W. Arndt Australian Economics in the Twentieth Century: Comment PDF
E. Roy Weintraub After Dinner REmarks PDF
  Conference Program and Abstracts PDF
  Minutes of the Business Meeting PDF
  Communications PDF
Michael Emmett Brady A Note Correcting Several Mathematical Errors in Skidelsky's John Maynard Keynes (1992) PDF
Richard Holt,
Steven Pressman
The Dissent of Economists: A Response to Courvisanos and Jones PDF
Tony Aspromourgos What Is Classical Economics? PDF
Ray Petridis The Leisure Class in the Twenty First Century PDF
Rajani Kanth Economics and Reality PDF
Geoffrey Harcourt In Honour of Lorie Tarshis PDF
John King In Honour of Pierangelo Garegnani PDF
Volume 29, Winter 1999    
Mathieu Carlson Adam Smith's Support for Money and Banking Regulation: A Case of Inconsistency? PDF
Michael J. Gootzeit Marshall's vs Wicksell's Theory of the Cumulative Process PDF
Michel De Vroey J.R. Hicks on Equilibrium and Disequilibrium: Value and Capital Revisited PDF
Milan Zafirovski How 'Neo-Classical' is Neoclassical Economics? With Special Reference to Value Theory PDF
Imad A. Moosa,
George Towadros
The Monetary Model of Exchange Rates in the History of Economic Thought PDF
Sean Turnell Monetary Reformers Abroad: Australian Economists at the Ottawa and World Economic Conferences PDF
Robert Leeson The Phillips Controversy: A Further Reply to Chapple PDF
Simon Chapple The challenge on Phillips PDF
  Communications PDF
Evelyn L. Forget A Note on the Etymology of Hearn's 'Olbology' PDF
Jerry Courvisanos The Dissent of Economists PDF
Evan Jones The Multifarious Character of Dissent PDF
Peter Groenewegen Development of the Theory of Exchange PDF
Peter Groenewegen Studies of Neglected Thinkers PDF
Eric R. Sowey Francis Ysidro Edgeworth's Other Passion - Probability and Statistics PDF
William Coleman The Myth of Adam Smith PDF
William Coleman Say's Law And The Keynesian Revolution PDF
Rajani Kanth Capitalist Macrodynamics PDF
Volume 28, Summer 1998    
John Creedy The Development of the Theory of Exchange PDF
Anthony Waterman David Hume on Technology and Culture PDF
John King From Giblin to Kalecki:The Export Multiplier and the Balance of Payments Constraint on Economic Growth,1930-1933 PDF
Simon Chapple Bill Phillips's Big Trade-off PDF
Robert Leeson The Demise of the High Inflation Trade-off Interpretation: A Reply to Chapple PDF
Ajit Sinha Hollander's 'Marx and Malthusianism': A Critique PDF
Anastassios D. Karayiannis Selectivity Criteria in the Historiography of Economics PDF
John F. Henry Keynes, Hayek, and 'Religion' as a Necessary Social Institution PDF
Michael E. Brady Correction Note PDF
  HETSA Conference PDF
  Communications PDF
John Nevill Is Value-free Economics Possible? PDF
Steven Kates The Classics and Mr Keynes PDF
Peter Groenewegen The Greatest Economist of the Twentieth Century PDF
Alex Millmow A Reprise for Keynes PDF
Anitra Nelson A Reappraisal of Marxian Economics PDF
S.A. Drakopoulos The Pre-Classical Period PDF
Volume 27, Winter 1998    
Robert Leeson Introduction PDF
Warren Samuels Journal Editing in the History of Economic Thought PDF
Craufurd Goodwin Some Reflections on Editing History of Political Economy PDF
Vincent Tarascio Selection Criteria in the History of Economic Thought PDF
Alan Treloar,
John Pullen
Hearn's 'Plutology' of Hearn's 'Olbology'? PDF
Douglas Vickers Marx, Money and Modern Themes PDF
John King Oxford Versus Cambridge on How to Pay for the War: A Comment on Littleboy PDF
Craig Freedman Countervailing Egos - Stiglet Versus Galbraith PDF
John Lauren Keynes and Darwin PDF
  HETSA Conference PDF
  Communications PDF
Gregory Moore Kindleberger and the Lender of Last Resort PDF
Volume 26, Summer 1997    
Shigeki Tomo On the Development of Bohm-Bawerk's Interest Theory from 'Fisherian' to 'Wicksellian' PDF
J. Patrick Gunning Ludwig von Mises's Transformation of the Austrian Theory of Value and Cost PDF
Allen Oakley Epistemological Problems of human agency in Mises's Subjectivism PDF
Chikako Nakayama The Process of collaboration between Oskar Morgenstern and John von Neumann PDF
Chris Guest Hayek on Government Two Views or One? PDF
Jeremy Shearmur Hayek, Keynes and the State PDF
Gillis Maclean Fritz Machlup's Quasi-Subjectivism: An Uneasy Marriage between Austrian Economics and Logical Empiricism PDF
Michael McLure 'Rationality, Individualism and Public Policy' in the Light of Pareto PDF
Paul Flatau Fair Wages and Just Outcomes: Marshall and Pigou on the Labour Market and Redistribution PDF
Ajir Sinha Productive/Unproductive Labour: A Note on Marx's Critique of Adam Smith PDF
Alex Millmow Uncovering a 'Touch of Genius': Keynes's Dealings With the Australian Underworld PDF
Michael Brady Decision Making Under Uncertainty in the Treatise on Probability: Keynes, Mathematical Solution of the 1961 Ellsberg Two Color Ambiguous Urn Ball Problem in 1921 PDF
Michael Brady The Development of Keynes' Theories of Risk in Chapters 26 and 29 of the Treatise on Probability PDF
  HETSA Conference PDF
  Communications PDF
Peter Groenewegen Wiscksell's Selected Essays PDF
Philippe Fontaine History of Ideas and Modern Economic Theory: Some Lessons of Higgling PDF
James E. Alvey Postmodern 'Readings' of Adam Smith's 'Discourse' PDF
James E. Alvey Adam Smith on Gender PDF
Athol Fitzgibbons Rationalism and Anti-Rationalism PDF
Athol Fitgibbons The Dynamic Society PDF
Ray Petridis Alfred Marshall's Official Papers PDF
Evan Jones What Do Economists Do, Who Are They, and Does It Matter? PDF
Volume 25, Winter 1996    
Rod O'Donnell John Maynard Keynes: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow PDF
Gilles Dostaler The Formation of Keynes's Vision PDF
Peter Rosner Can we Consider the Keynesian Revolution to be Scientific Progress? PDF
Peter Sheehan Economics Beyond the Neoclassical Synthesis: Rediscovering Keynes's Enterprise PDF
Robert Leeson Keynesian Misjudgments about Strikes and Inflation PDF
Athol Fitzgibbons The Logic of Post Keynesian Economics PDF
Robert Skidelsky The Influence of the Great Depression on Keynes's General Theory PDF
Bruce Littleboy The Wider Significance of How to Pay for the War"" PDF
Tony Lawson Hayek and Keynes: A Commonality PDF
Peter Groenewegen Marshall and Keynes: A Survey of Some Recent Literature PDF
Steven Kates Keynes, Say's Law and the Theory of the Business Cycle PDF
Samuel Hollander Malthus and Keynes: Some Recent Secondary Literature PDF
Michael E. Brady A Comparison-Contrast of J.M.Keynes' Mathematical Modeling Approach in the General Theory with some of his General Theory Interpreters, especially J.E. Meade PDF
Jerry Courvisanos Keynes and Keynesians on Investment Decision-Making: A Behavioural Perspective PDF
Colin Rogers Self-fulfilling Expectations and The General Theory PDF
Victoria Chick Equilibrium and Determination in Open Systems: The Case of the General Theory PDF
Dick Staveley Some Reflections on Keynes's Choice of Units"" PDF
Michael E. Brady J.M.Keynes' Safety First" Approach: Decision Making Under Risk in the Treatise on Probability (1921)" PDF
Geoffrey C. Harcourt A Second Edition" of the General Theory" PDF
Rod O'Donnell What Can Economist Learn from Keynes's Philosophy? PDF
Peter Kriesler Keynes After Sixty Years PDF
Paul Dalziel The Relevance of the Keynesian Multiplier Process after Sixty Years PDF
Robert Leeson The Rise and Fall of the Phillips Curve in British Policy-Making Circles PDF
Robert Leeson The Rise of the Natural-Rate of Unemployment Model PDF
Robert Leeson Language and Inflation PDF
John Nevile To be Young was Very Heaven": The Keynesian Revolution in America" PDF
Peter Groenewegen A Giant of the Stockholm School: Erik Lundberg 1907-1987 PDF
Allen Oakley The Economic Wisdom of G.C. Harcourt PDF
Volume 24, Summer 1995    
Steven Medema Ronald Caose on Economics and Economic Method PDF
Robert Dimand Macroceconomics With and Without Keynes PDF
Simon Chapple Effective Demand in Kalecki's Early Macroeconomics PDF
Michael Brady A Study of J.M. Keynes' Marshallian-Pigouvian Elasticity Approach in Chapter 20 and 21 of the GT PDF
Henry Hilton Leon Walras on Money and Banking PDF
Geoffrey Fishburn Henry Fawcett: His Role in the Darwinian Revolution PDF
Paul Oslington,
Kim Hawtrey
Some Questions and a Bibliography on the Relationship between Economics and Christianity PDF
Robert Dimand Carl Menger, Crown Prince Rudolf, and Piblic Policy: A Liberal Critique of Feudal Privilege PDF
Heinz Arndt James Meade: 1907-1995 PDF
Robert Leeson Keynes and Einstein PDF
  Communications PDF
Tony Endres The Moral and Political Foundations of The Wealth of Nations PDF
Michael Schneider Wages and Employment in Classical Economic Theory PDF
Allen Oakley The Austrian Schumpeter: 1905 to 1925 PDF
tony Aspromourgos Production, Distribution and Value in the Long Period PDF
Heinz Arndt The Trend of Economics: USA 1924 PDF
Phillip O'Hara The Main Themes of Institutional and Evolutionary Economics PDF
Peter Groenewegen Post Keynesian Economics: A Memorial? PDF
Peter Groenewegen Alfred Marshall's Lectures to Women PDF
Volume 23, Winter 1995    
Tony Endres Conceptions of Competition in Austrian Economics Before Hayek PDF
Peter Doherty Endogeneity in Wicksell's Monetary Theory PDF
Kyle Bruce Scientific Management and the American Planning Experience of WW1: The Case of the War Industries Board PDF
Rod O"Donnell A Supplementary Edition of J.M. Keynes's Writings: Rationale, Nature and Significance PDF
Steven Kates Crucial Influences on Keynes's Understanding of Say's Law PDF
Malcolm Treadgold,
John Pullen
Henry George in Northern New South Wales: Newspaper Accounts of Two Lectures PDF
Barley Rosse,
Marina Rosse
A Comparison of Comparative Economic Anthropologies PDF
Warren Samuels Richard Reeves's Study of the Kennedy Presidency: Implications for Studying Economics and the History of Economic Though PDF
Robert Leeson Fisher and Phillips PDF
Robert Leeson J. Harold Wilson, Economist: Obituary Note PDF
Peter Burn,
Bruce Littleboy
The Eighth HETSA Conference PDF
  Communications PDF
Peter Kriesler,
Padraic Mcguinness,
Peter Sheehan,
Heinz Arndt
A Soaring Eagle PDF
Peter Groenewegen Women of Value PDF
Peter Groenewegen Mercantilism and Language PDF
Peter Earl The Dissenting Economist PDF
John Laurens Putting Life Into Economics? PDF
Tony Aspromourgos The Political Economy of Trade and Growth PDF
Tony Endres An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Though PDF
Geoffrey Brennan Condorcet PDF
Colin Rogers Capital in Economic Theory PDF
Volume 22, Summer 1994    
Grant A. Fleming Some Problems in Interpreting Citation Practices in the Economic Record, 1925-1946 PDF
Mary Ann Dimand C.L. Dodgson, Public Choice, and The Mathematics of Porportional Representation PDF
Evan Jones The Tyranny of A priorism in Economic Thought PDF
Robert Leeson Some Misunderstandings Concerning the Contributions Made by A.W.H. Phillips and R.G. Lipsey to the Inflation-Unemployment Literatur PDF
Nancy J. Wulwick Notes on Reading a Text: A Response to Robert Leeson PDF
Robert Leeson The Phillips Curve Paradox and the Smallest Probability in the History of Economic Research PDF
Grant A. Fleming Metzler and the History of Economics: A Preliminary Investigation of the LLoyd Metzler Papers PDF
  News from Japan PDF
  Communications PDF
Peter Groenewegen John Law's Essay on a Land Bank PDF
Peter Groenewegen Denis OBrien Collected Papers" PDF
Elias Khalil Explaining Process and Change: Approaches to Evolutionary Economics PDF
Oskar Kurer Classical Economic Man PDF
Alex Millmow Joseph A. Schumpeter: His Life and Work PDF
John Nightingale The Economics of Competitive Enterprise: Selected Essays of P.W.S. Andrews PDF
Volume 21, Winter 1994    
John Gordon In Memoriam: Barry Lewis PDF
Steven Kates The Malthusian Origins of the General Theory, or How Keynes Came to Write a Book About Say's Law and Effective Demand PDF
James S. Earley Schumpeter and Keynes: Dissimilar Twin Revolutionists"" PDF
Michael Emmett Brady Keynes, Pigou and the Supply Side of the General Theory PDF
William Darity Jr Many Roads to Extinction: Early AEA Economists and the Black Disappearance Hypothesis PDF
Terence Hutchison White on hte Irish Factor" in Jevon's Statistics: a Rebuttal" PDF
Michael V. White A Five Per Cent Racist? Rejoinder to Professor Hutchison PDF
Terence Hutchison Three Strikes Against White PDF
John King A Conversation with craugurd Goodwin PDF
john Lodewijks A Conversation with John Nevile PDF
  HETSA Business Meeting - Seventh Conference PDF
  News From Japan PDF
  Eighth HETSA Conference PDF
James E. Alvey Adam Smith's Mistake PDF
James E. Alvey The Wealth of Nations PDF
Paul M. Augimeri Whither Economic Theory? PDF
Peter Groenewegen Economic Thought and Discourse in the 20th Century PDF
Peter Groenewegen Ethics and Economic Theory PDF
Anastassios D. Karayiannis Markets, Uncertainty and Decision Making PDF
Gillis Maclean Still Trying to Understand Positive Economics PDF
A.J. Millmow Always in Demand: The Keynes Biographies PDF
Ray Petridis Oxford Economics and Oxford Economists PDF
Trevor Stegman Classical Theories of Money, Output and Inflation PDF
Volume 20, Summer 1993    
Barry Gordon Aristotelian Economic Analysis and the Medieval Schoolmen PDF
Allen Oakley Human Agency and Methodology in Classical Political Economy PDF
Philip Mirowski What Could Mathematical Rigor Mean? Three Reactions to Godel in mid-20th Century Economics PDF
John Moorehouse A Critical Review of Mises on Mathematical Economics PDF
John Nightingale Solving Marshall's Problem with the Biological Analogy PDF
Phillip O'Hara Veblen's Analysis of Business, Industry and the Limits of Capital PDF
Simon Chapple Kalecki's Theory of the Business Cycle and the General Theory PDF
Gillian Hewitson An Intellectual History of Money Endogeneity Theory PDF
Robert Dimand The Dance of the Dollar: Irving Fisher's Monetary Theory of Economic Fluctuations PDF
  The Seventh HETSA Conference PDF
Bob Coats Appraising Economic Theories PDF
Robert Dimand When Giants Walked the Earth PDF
Allin Cottrell Lucas and the Austrians PDF
Neil Hart The Classics on the Division of Labour and Technical Change Revisited PDF
Craig Freedman The Empty Well of Historical Thought PDF
John King Noel Thompson, john Strachey PDF
Bruce McFarlane P.L. Porta, David Ricardo: Notes on Malthus's Measure of Value PDF
A.D. Karayiannis S.A. Drakopoulos, Values and Economic Theory - The Case of Hedonism PDF
Volume 19, Winter 1993    
Terence Hutchison 'Ricardian Politics' Another Version of Ricardian Hagiography? PDF
Chris Nyland Poulain de la Barre and the Rationalist Analysis of the Status of Women PDF
Mary Ann Dimand Lewis Carroll, Political Economist PDF
Vincent J. Tarascio Pareto's Sociological Model of Man PDF
Michel Prum Capital Pre-Visited PDF
Friz Efaw Some Notes on the History of Probabilism in Economics PDF
Michael White The 'Irish Factor' in Jevons' Statistics: A Note PDF
Bruce MacFarlane Halevi, Laibman and Nell Beyond the Steady State: A Revival of Growth Theory PDF
  Notices PDF
Volume 18, Summer 1992    
Geoff Harcourt Is Keynes Dead? PDF
John Creedy Cournot on Trade between Regions PDF
Chris Guest The Role of Government in the Political Economy of John Locke PDF
Roger Pitcher,
John Pullen
Malthus on Classical Languages and Corporal Punishment PDF
Joseph Halevi Marxism and Post-Keynesian Economics PDF
John Shaw The Development of Verdoorn's Law PDF
Rick Szostak The History of Art and the Art in Economics PDF
dhammika Dharmapala Ricardo on the RElationship between Pricing and Distribution PDF
Bruce McFarlane Michal Kalecki - More Biographical Notes PDF
  Notices PDF
Craig Freedman The Evolution and Persistence of Economic Assumptions PDF
Ken Rivett Julian Le Grand, Equity and Choice PDF
Volume 17, Winter 1992    
Craufurd Goodwin Political Economy and Civil Society PDF
Tim Robinson Cassel's Contribution to the Economic Theory of Exhaustible Resources PDF
Elias Khalil Marx's Understanding of the Essence of Capitalism PDF
William Coleman The New Deal's New Gold Policy: A Case Study in the Power of (old) Ideas PDF
Alex Millmow The Evolution of J.M. Keynes' Wage and Employment Policy 1920-1946 PDF
  Communications PDF
  News from Japan PDF
Peter Groenewegen Recent European Contributions to the History of Economics PDF
John Laurent The politics of Progress PDF
J. Daniel Hammond The Boundaries of Economics PDF
Craig Freedman History and Theory in the Time of Economic Rationalism PDF
Peter Groenewegen Centre for the Study of the History of Economic Thought PDF
Volume 16, Summer 1991    
John Laurent Evolution and Organic Analogy in R.F. Irvine's Economics PDF
Robert Dimand Cranks, Heretics and Macroeconomics in the 1930s PDF
Neil Hart Returns to Scale and Marshallian Economics PDF
Michael White Perfidious Giffen PDF
Jan Toporowski Two Enigmas in Kalecki's Methodology PDF
John Baxley,
John Moorhouse
The Mathematics of Kalecki's Early MacroDynamics: A Research Note PDF
Donald Winch Adam Smith: The Prophet of Free Enterprise? PDF
Jack Brown Hirshleifer on Smith PDF
Richard Nolan Getting Adam Smith Right PDF
John Lodewijks Sidney Weintraub and the Noxious Influence of Authority"" PDF
Adrian Warner Appraising Weintraub's Appraisal PDF
Neil Hart Marshall and the Development of Economic Thought: A Note PDF
  Joseph J. Spengler (1902-1991) PDF
Volume 15, Winter 1991 From the Editor PDF
Peter Groenewegen John Pullen HETSA Editor, 1987-1991 PDF
Gregory Moore A Biographical Sketch of John Kells Ingram PDF
Craig Freedman The Classical Garden of Costless Competition PDF
  The Sixth HETSA Conference PDF
Peter Kenyon Towards a Balanced" History of Australian Economics" PDF
Peter Kriesler Rogers on Money PDF
Michael V. White Where did Jevons' Energy Come From? PDF
Tony Endres Some Central Concepts in Modern Economics, Historically Contemplated PDF
Volume 14, Summer 1990    
Mason Barnett The Papers of Oskar Morgenstern in the Manuscript Department, William R. Perkins Library, Duke University PDF
John Lodewijks The Oskar Morgenstern Papers PDF
  Sixth HETSA Conference PDF
J.E. King Economics in Japan PDF
John Pullen Metaphorical Economics;or, the Metaphor is the Message PDF
John Lodewijks Walt W. Rostow, Theorists of Economic Growth from David Hume to the Present PDF
Volume 13, Winter 1990    
Michael Schneider Sismondi and Laissez Faire: An Introduction PDF
John Lodewijks Sidney Weintraub, the English Dons, and an Unpublished Obituary of Harrod PDF
Mason Barnett The Papers of Carl Menger in the Manuscript Department, William R. Perkins Library, Duke University PDF
John Pullen The Teaching of the History of Economic Thought at the University of New England PDF
  Sixth HETSA Conference PDF
  Third Conference of the Association Charles Gide, September 1989 PDF
  A New Journak for Methodologists PDF
  Essays on Classical political Economy PDF
Derek T. Healey H.W. Arndt, Economic Development: The History of an Idea PDF
Volume 12, Summer 1989    
  Report of the Fifth HETSA Conference PDF
Eugene Kamenska An After-Dinner Address PDF
Mendel Weisser The Concept of a Duty of Excise in the Continental Public Finance Literature of the 1890s PDF
Garry Barrett Equilibrium Business Cycle Theory: A Case Study of Research Agenda Setting in Macroeconomics PDF
Nancy J. Wulwick How Does Methodology Matter? PDF
Benjamin Higgins Australian Economics and the History of Economic Thought PDF
  Centre for the Study of the History of Economic Thought PDF
  Report of the HETSA Business Meeting Hled at the Fifth HETSA Conference, Canberra, July 4, 1989 PDF
  History of Economics Society Dissertation Award PDF
  Essays on the Scottish Enlightenment PDF
Jim Alvey Review of Keynes's Vision: His Political Economy Reconstructed by Athol Fitzgibbons PDF
John Pullen Traditional and Untraditional Liberalism: A Review of Traditions of Liberalism, ed. Knud Haakonssen PDF
Volume 11, Winter 1989    
L. Haddad List Revisited: Dynamic Consideration of Trade and Protection PDF
Barry Gordon What is an Excise Duty? Nineteenth Century Literature and the Australian Constitution PDF
John Burgess Harrod's Contribution to Growth Theory: A Commemoration PDF
Volume 10, Summer 1988    
Grant Fleming Professional Economists in Government: Assessing the Use of Oral History as a Source of Evidence PDF
John Pullen,
Jonathan Baldry
Malthus' Production Function PDF
Garry Barrett Equilibrium Business Cycle Theory in Historical Perspective PDF
  Japan PDF
  Unted Kingdom PDF
  France PDF
  United States PDF
  Fifth Biennial Conference of the History of Economic though Society of Australia PDF
  Australian Dissertations: First Supplement PDF
  INDEX TO THE HETSA BULLETIN, Nos 1-10, 1981-1988 PDF
Peter Groenewegen The Scheme of Economics and Philosophy for a World of Uncertainty. Some Problems Solved, by Neil F. Laing PDF
Louis Haddad Yugoslavia: Politics, Economics and Society by Bruce McFarlane PDF
Volume 9, Winter 1988    
Peter Groenewegen Alfred Marshall and Australian Economics PDF
Michael V. White That God-Forgotten Thornton" and the Laws of Supply and Demand" PDF
John Lodewijks The Division of Labour Economics PDF
  Theses and Dissertions on the History of Economic Thought and the Methodology of Economics, presented at Australian Universities for Bachelor-Honours and Higher Degrees PDF
Peter Groenewegen The Economic Society's facsimile edition of the Australian Economist 1888-1898, edited by N.G. Butlin, V.W. Fitzgerald and R.H. Scott PDF
Volume 8, Summer 1987    
Peter Earl Unexploited Scope for Quantitative Work in the History of Economic Thought PDF
Michael White The Intangible and Fugitive Nature" of Consumption Demand: William Whewell and Giffen Goods" PDF
Simon Chapple Harrod, Kalecki and the Foreign Trade Multiplier PDF
John Lodewijks,
George Argyrous
The Historian of Thought and Modern Economics PDF
John Pullen A Major Discovery of Malthus Manuscripts PDF
  NOTICES A call for archival material PDF
Peter Gorenewegen Un economiste non conformiste: Piero Sraffa (1898-1983) by Jean-Pierre Potier PDF
Peter Groenewegen The Economics of Alfred Marshall by G.L.S. Shackle PDF
Volume 7, Winter 1987    
  Editorial PDF
  Abstracts of Papers from the Fourth HETSA Conference, University of Newcastle, May 1987 PDF
M.P. Carter The Compleat Historian of Economic Thought PDF
M. White Jevons' Charge of The Noxious Influence of Authority": A Note" PDF
J. Lodewijks Teaching and Examining the History of Economic Thought at Duke University PDF
J. Pullen Reminiscences of Patricia James (1917-1987) PDF
  News of other H.E.T. societies PDF
Volume 6, Summer 1986    
  EDITORIAL: A New Beginning PDF
  Minutes of the Business Meeting of the Third Conference: La Trobe, 1985 PDF
Michael Schneider A Summary Record of the Third HETSA Conference PDF
  News From Japan PDF
  Fourth Biennial Conference: Newcastle 1987 PDF
  Papers and Correspondence of W.S. Jevons PDF
  John Maynard Keynes: A Personal Biography PDF
Volume 5, Autumn 1985    
M. Milgate John Maynard Keynes: A Centenary Estimate (Paper given at the symposium on three centenaries in economics at the 2nd HETSA Conference, May 1983). PDF
A.Y.C. Koo,
W.J. Samuels
Marshall on Balanced Growth from the Supply Side: A note. PDF
Peter Groenewegen An Unpublished Letter of Alfred Marshall PDF
Geoff Harcourt The End of an Era: Joan Robinson (1903-1983) and Piero Sraffa (1898-1983) PDF
P. Williams Robert skidelsky on Keynes PDF
P. Greonewegen D. Whynes, Invitation to Economics PDF
  Third HETSA Conference La Trobe University 17-20 May, 1985 - Preliminary Program Outline PDF
  A new Journal of interest to historians of economics PDF
Volume 4, Winter 1983    
  Editor's Introduction PDF
  Second HETSA Conference, Sydney Official Programme PDF
  List of Registrants PDF
P.D. Groenewegen A Summary Record of the Proceedings of the Second Conference PDF
P.D. Groenewegen Joseph Alois Schumpeter (1833-1950) A Centenary Tribute PDF
M. Schneider History of Economic Thought Conference,  Duke University, 23-26 May 1982 PDF
G.C. Harcourt,
abbreviated by M. Schneider
Reflections on the Development of Economics as a Discipline. PDF
  T.Tanaka PDF
  The Society for the History of Economic Thought, Japan Annual Meeting 1982 PDF
  Recent Activities of the Society for the History of Economic Thought, Japan PDF
B.J. McFarlane,
P.D. Groenewegen
Quesney, 'Farmers' (1756) and Turgot, 'Sur La Grande et La Petite Culture (1766) PDF
Volume 3, Summer 1982    
  Editor's Introduction PDF
  Second HETSA Conference, Sydney PDF
P.D. Groenewegen History of Economic Thought in the Faculty of Economics, Sydney University PDF
J.H. Reeves History of Economic Thought at the Eleventh Conference of Economists, Adelaide, August 1982. PDF
W.J. Samuels Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology PDF
T. Tanaka Recent Activities of the Society for the History of Economic Thought, Japan PDF
B.J. McFarlane I. Bradley and M. Howard (eds.) Classical and Marxian Political Economy: Essays in Honour of Ronald L. Meek PDF
P.D. Groenewegen D.P. O'Brien and J.R.Presley (eds.) Pioneers of Modern Economics PDF
Volume 2, Autumn 1982    
  Editor's Introduction PDF
  Second HETSA Conference, Sydney PDF
J A LaNauze Graham Shardalow Lee Tucker (1924-1980) - Some Memories of the 1950s PDF
  G S L Tucker's Bibliography PDF
H W Arndt The Development Objective in Western Colonial Theory PDF
P Groenewegen History of Economic Thought Conferences: - Oxford PDF
J C Wood History of Economic Thought Conference: - Michigan State University PDF
M Schneider A Note on the Teaching of HET at La Trobe PDF
T Tanaka Correspondence: Annual Meeting (1981) of the History of Economic Thought Society, Japan. PDF
A W Coats correspondence: Letter from Britain PDF