History of Economics Review - Electronic Archive : 2000-2007 volumes
- Volume 31, Winter 2000
- Smith on Value
- Teleology in the Wealth of Nations
- Communitarian Anarchism
- Giblin as a Proto Keynesian
- Ruskin on Political Economy
- Harcourt and Post-Keynesianism
- Volume 32, Summer 2000
- Economics Imperialism
- Commercial Scholarly Publication
- Early Capital Stock Estimates
- Popper's Rationality Principle
- Money and Credit in Marx
- The Quest for the Canon
- Volume 33, Winter 2001
- Pigou-Robinson Theory of Exploitation
- Italian Over-Intestment
- Theories of the Cycle
- Marx on Money
- Hearn and Rae
- Smith's Moral Science
- Mid-Victorian Irish Economists
- Volume 34, Summer 2001
- The Revival of HET
- Involuntary Unemployment
- Microeconomics in Bloomsbury
- 40 Years of Post Keynesianism
- State Capitalism
- Carlyle on Slavery
- Keynes on Malthus
- Sismondi’s Macroeconomics
- Volume 35, Winter 2002
- Barry Gordon
- "Plutology"
- Relevance of Veblen
- Kalecki Principle in Marx
- Commercial Scholarly Publishing
- Volume 36, Summer 2002
- Hicks and 'The Theory of Wages'
- Keith Frearson on Roy Harrod
- Carey and Marx
- Australia's "Employment Approach"
- P. D. Groewegen interviewed
- Hobson and 'Imperialism'
- Obituaries of Arndt, Melville and Reddayway
- Volume 37, Winter 2003
- Harrod's Dynamics
- Lange on Socialism
- Australian Economists in the '30s
- Hayek in Translation
- Teaching HET
- Volume 38, Summer 2003
- Keynes and Kuznets
- Medicine and Political Economy
- Jevons, MacLeod and Sunspots
- W.J. Ashley and the Tariff Problem
- Volume 39, Winter 2004
- Keynes, Giblin and the Multiplier
- Schumpeter on Ideology
- Coase's Uniqueness
- Development: An Obituary
- Eastern Europe in the History of Dvlpmnt Economics
- The 'Companion to the History of Economic Thought'
- Volume 40, Summer 2004
- Marshall and Industrial Organisation
- The Decline of Scholastic Economics
- Schools of Italian Economics
- Marshall and Darwin
- Jevons and Wicksteed
- Oliver Williamson
- Ben Higgins
- Adam Smith and C.H Meade
- The Theory of Business Enterprise
- Volume 41, Winter 2005
- Stigler's Market Leviathin
- Murray Kemp Interviewed
- The Origin of 'Supply Creates its Own Demand'
- Keynes on Say's Law
- Schumpeter on Scientific Progress
- Colonial Currency Boards
- Jevon's on Ground Rent
- Hilferding and Schumpter
- Volume 42, Summer 2005
- Making Giblin a Professor
- The Strange Life and Death of EOG Shann
- Roy to Post Keynesians
- Marshall's Unfinished Manuscript
- The Capitalist Mode of Production
- Max Corden on Effective Protection
- The Harrod-Robinson correspondence
- The Harrod-Robinson correspondence
- Volume 43, Winter 2006
- The Austrians and the labour Thery of Value
- Dooley on the labour Theory of value
- EP Thompson and Moral Depletion
- Australians in 50s Cambridge
- Herbert Heaton
- Pareto and Experiment
- Myrdal's Monetary Theory
- Jevon's Antipodean Interlude
- Volume 44, Summer 2006
- Origins of Carlyle’s View of Political Economy
- Shinzo Koizumi's Encounter with the West
- Pareto's "Manuale" after 100 years
- Market Failure in Early Development Economics
- Ricardo's version of Comparative Advantage
- Friedman's Counter Revolution.
- Volume 45, Winter 2007
- Oakley's Contribution to HET
- The New Reading of Karl Marx
- The Ontology of Innovation
- The History of Positional Goods
- Oakley on Marx's 'Capital'
- The Pioneers of Post-Keynesianism
- HET and the 'Research Quality Framework'
- A.W. Coats, 1924-2007
- Reviews